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Songwriters I Work With

My friend Adam Beck has been working on new tunes, recording them, and sharing them via Bandcamp. Adam is a guitar player, singer, bass player, and makes his way around on keys like me. He built his own studio (Captured Sound) and it has a wonderful vibe for recording. He’s a local guy from my neck of the country and has been playing music his whole life. Go check out some of his new tunes – support the amazing people and independent songwriters that make their own passionate music! Kanye, Pink, and Beyonce don’t need your support for god sake! They’re doing just fine. ;-)

Adam Beck at Captured Sound

Sharing one’s music is the final accomplishment a songwriter undertakes when starting the process of writing a song. From the conceptualization, to the materialization, to the part where you get to share and listen - all are built upon many pieces that have to be put together a step at a time. In Adam’s case, he had some songs he wanted to work out with new people. I was glad to be part of his process. A cool aspect of the songs on his Bandcamp page is that the basic tracks were recorded live. Listen to the top of First Night or Calloused Hands. The sound you hear is four guys playing in a room together live: Adam and I playing electric guitars with Dustin Samples on bass and Steve Polotowski on drums. Dustin and Steve are cool cats and it’s a privilege to make music with them. I’d like to hire them to play on some of my music at some point.

Go check the songs out for Pete’s sake! Adam played on my song Between the Sea and Sand and I’m returning the favor by pointing people towards his music. Throw him a $1 and check out his project.

I will talk more on folks I worked with this past year in upcoming posts. I am fortunate to be able to learn from and work with many talented songwriters.

Brett William Kull ~ 10 January, 2018

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